Trucking with Papa Smurf
Welcome to FPS Trucking
My primary goal is to provide information on the trucking industry.
Through my YouTube, Instagram, Facebook TikTok, other social outlets, as well as this website, I want to document my journey for two main reasons. One, to help others as they look into choosing a career in trucking and two, for those who do make that decision, I want to provide valuable information to make their journey easier and more rewarding. Through interviews of drivers and other personnel key to the industry, as well as informational videos to show the different parts and pieces that make up a trucking career. My belief is that Trucking is not a career for all, but that it is attractive to many for a variety of reasons. Sometimes these reasons become all consuming, ideas like how much money can be made, or how "easy" it appears to be. Being that my experience brought me through the Stevens Transport sponsored CDL program at Lone Star College of Transportation and Global Logistics, and that I have only worked as a driver for Stevens Transport, much of my unique perspective and opinions have been formed around these two businesses.
Who is Papa Smurf
My legal name is Justin. I got my nickname Papa Smurf while hiking on the Appalachian Trail at the beginning of 2021. I knew I would need a CB handle for trucking, and decided I would keep it. I decided to get into trucking as a career in the fall of 2021, and attended Lone Star College CDL program sponsored by Stevens Transport. Upon receiving my commercial drivers license, I went to Dallas to start my career with Stevens Transport.
Get in Touch
Questions, comments or requests? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.
(936) 776-2145 (by text only)